
Generation Stage

Track the progress of tambo's response generation process and expose it to your users.

You may want to show your users something unique during each stage of tambo's response generation process, rather than a static 'loading' message for the entire duration.

To enable this, each thread has a generationStage property that can be used to track the progress of the response generation process.

You can expose the generation stage ( or a value you derive from it ) to your users so they know what their AI assistant is doing.

const { generationStage } = useTamboThread();
if (generationStage === GenerationStage.CHOOSING_COMPONENT) {
  return <div>Tambo is choosing the best component to use...</div>;
if (generationStage === GenerationStage.FETCHING_CONTEXT) {
  return <div>Tambo is fetching additional data to hydrate the component...</div>;


A thread's generation stage is an enum with the following possible values:

generation stages
enum GenerationStage {
  IDLE = "IDLE", // The thread is idle ( initial stage )
  CHOOSING_COMPONENT = "CHOOSING_COMPONENT", // Tambo is choosing the best component to use based on the user's message
  FETCHING_CONTEXT = "FETCHING_CONTEXT", // Tambo is fetching additional data to hydrate a chosen component
  HYDRATING_COMPONENT = "HYDRATING_COMPONENT", // Tambo is hydrating the component
  STREAMING_RESPONSE = "STREAMING_RESPONSE", // Tambo is streaming the response
  COMPLETE = "COMPLETE", // Tambo has completed successfully
  ERROR = "ERROR", // Tambo has encountered an error

Status Message

Instead of determining a custom message for each stage, you can use the statusMessage property, which is a context-aware string that describes the current stage of the generation process, as generated by Tambo.

For example, if the generation was triggered by a user message asking about the weather in Tokyo, during the CHOOSING_COMPONENT stage the statusMessage might be something like "Looking for a component to help with your request about the weather in Tokyo".

Use this along with the isProcessing helper property which returns true if the generationStage is CHOOSING_COMPONENT, FETCHING_CONTEXT, HYDRATING_COMPONENT, or STREAMING_RESPONSE.

const { statusMessage, isProcessing } = useTamboThread();
if (isProcessing) {
  return <div>{statusMessage}</div>;

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