

Stream response messages and components from tambo in real-time as they are being generated with a few lines of code.

Use streaming to show response messages and components from tambo in real-time as they are being generated, to create more responsive and engaging user experiences.

import { useTambo } from "@tambo-ai/react";
const { sendThreadMessage } = useTambo();
await sendThreadMessage(inputValue, { streamResponse: true });
const { submit } = useTamboThreadInput();
await submit({ streamResponse: true });

Tambo will handle updating the thread's final message as data streams in, rather than waiting for the entire response to complete.

Render your thread messages like normal:

import { useTambo } from "@tambo-ai/react";
const { thread } = useTambo();
  {thread.messages.map((message, index) => (

Preparing Components for Streaming

When a request is made with streamResponse: true, tambo will update the response message's renderedComponent field as soon as the component is chosen, even before all the props have been generated.

For example, if your component expects a props object that looks like {name: string, age: number}, tambo will render the component with {name: 'generatedname'} before the age props value is generated.

This means that your registered components will need to have all props marked as 'optional', and be prepared to receive undefined values while streaming is in progress.

One way to handle this is to set default values to show until the values are generated:

const MyComponent = ({ name = "Loading..." }: { name?: string }) => {
  return <div>{name}</div>;

For props where defaults don't make sense, you can allow them to be optional and render a loading state within the component:

const MyComponent = ({ age }: { age?: number }) => {
  return <div>{age ?? "Loading..."}</div>;

For handling streaming updates in components we recommend using Streaming Props.

Show "Loading" while streaming

Without streaming, you might show a 'loading' indicator while the response is being generated like this:

const handleSendMessage = async (inputValue: string) => {
  await sendThreadMessage(inputValue, { streamResponse: true });
  {isLoading && <div>Loading AI response...</div>}

With streaming, the sendThreadMessage promise resolves right away, even while streaming is still in progress. If you want to show a 'loading' indicator while streaming is in progress, you can do so by using tambo's isIdle state value:

const { isIdle } = useTambo();
<div>{!isIdle && "Loading AI response..."}</div>

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