
Streaming Props into State

Stream component props into components with a few lines of code and no need for useEffect dependency hell.

When working with AI-generated content in Tambo, you often need to update your component state when new content streams in. The useTamboStreamingProps hook simplifies this common pattern.

Building on Previous Concepts

This guide combines two key Tambo concepts:

  1. Streaming - The ability to receive AI-generated content in real-time as it's being created
  2. Component State - Tambo's state management for tracking component state as context for AI

We recommend you read those first.

When using streaming, props arrive incrementally, and you need an efficient way to update your component state without complex useEffect dependencies. useTamboStreamingProps solves this exact problem.

Using useTamboStreamingProps

import {
} from "@tambo-ai/react";
function MyComponent({ streamedTitle, streamedBody }) {
  // 1. Set up your Tambo component state
  const [state, setState] = useTamboComponentState("myState", {
    title: "",
    body: "",
  // 2. Connect streaming props to your state
  useTamboStreamingProps(state, setState, {
    title: streamedTitle,
    body: streamedBody,
  // That's it! Your state will automatically update when props change
  return (


  • Eliminates repetitive useEffect code
  • Automatically detects and applies changes
  • Only updates when values actually change
  • Works with any state shape
  • Type-safe with TypeScript

Without vs With

Before (repetitive pattern):

useEffect(() => {
  if (state) {
    const shouldUpdateTitle = streamedTitle && streamedTitle !== state.title;
    const shouldUpdateBody = streamedBody && streamedBody !== state.body;
    if (shouldUpdateTitle || shouldUpdateBody) {
        title: shouldUpdateTitle ? streamedTitle : state.title,
        body: shouldUpdateBody ? streamedBody : state.body,
}, [streamedTitle, streamedBody]);

After (clean and simple):

useTamboStreamingProps(state, setState, {
  title: streamedTitle,
  body: streamedBody,

Don't want to use Tambo's state management? You can use your own!

const [state, setState] = useState({
  title: "",
  body: "",
useTamboStreamingProps(state, setState, {
  title: streamedTitle,
  body: streamedBody,

Works the same, but you don't get the benefits of Tambo's state management.

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